Shaun Loney lives with his partner Fiona Muldrew and their three boys - Aandeg, Weslee and Owen - in Norwood.
Loney is the co-founder of BUILD (ScotiaBank's Green Business of the Year in 2014). This social enterprise has trained and created hundreds of jobs for young Indigenous men and women who had criminal records and turned them into trades workers helping inner city residents improve their homes and reduce energy bills. He is also a co-founder of Aki Energy, a social enterprise that installs geothermal heat pumps on Manitoba First Nations to reduce heating bills and create jobs.
Loney is recognized for his work as a social entrepreneur nationally as an Ashoka Fellow (first on Canadian Prairies) and won Ernst and Young's prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year. He has a Master's Degree in Economics from the University of Manitoba.
He is the author of five books including Manitoba best-seller An Army of Problem Solvers and The Beautiful Bailout on how to rethink and improve the way governments work while saving taxpayers money. Shaun was also a senior civil servant with the government of Manitoba (Director of Energy Policy).